Healthy eating

Healthy eating

Getting started on eating healthily can be challenging, but making some simple changes can make a world of difference to our health!

Here you’ll find information about what constitutes a healthy diet, as well as our food plate model which shows the types and proportions of foods needed to make a well-balanced and healthy diet.

Putting the principles of healthy eating into practice is not always the easiest of tasks.

That’s why we’ve created some tasty healthy recipes for you to try, and some helpful tips on meal times. Adopting some of these healthy recipes, and using them to devise your own, should help you take the first step toward healthier eating and a healthier lifestyle.

You’ll also find healthy recipes in our free information packs. Take the first step toward healthier eating and get these healthy recipe cards and other useful healthy eating information by ordering here.

If you’re wondering whether you’re already eating healthily, why not check out our quiz: How healthy is your diet? to really test yourself! If you then need some quick tips on making your everyday eating and cooking habits that bit healthier, why not check out our top tips section?

What is healthy eating?

There’s no need to be confused about food and health any longer.

For the last 20 or 30 years, nutritionists, dieticians and doctors have provided the same diet information and recommended the same basic food and health principles to guide everyone towards healthier eating.

Research into health and diet continues to confirm what we already know – ignore fad diets and follow these pointers to reduce your risk of illness and manage your weight:

  • Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
  • Change the way you cook food – try grilling instead of frying, and steam instead of boiling.
  • Reduce the amount of fat and sugar in your diet.
  • Remember to check food labels for the amount of fat and sugar in foods. To keep yourself right, check out how much is alot?
  • Increase the amount of starchy foods (pasta, rice and potatoes).

Just as good food and health go hand-in-hand, you also need to combine all this with more physical activity to improve your overall health.

It’s also very important to enjoy your healthier eating, as this way you’re more likely to stick to the changes you make to your food and health. Also make sure that what you eat boosts your energy – a healthy balanced diet will do this!

For some more diet information and easy guidance on food and health, and what to eat each day, check out our meal ideas. You can follow some good value, good tasting, healthy recipes to give you more ideas.


About the author administrator

The Internet means that we all have more information than ever available to help us understand about our health and to support health-related decisions we make. Links to other Internet resources have been included where possible, including those which will be used by your own doctor to guide their practice.